2025 Conference

SAR International Research Conference: April 3-6, 2025 Newport Beach, CA, USA
Cultivating Interconnections of Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine Research


Abstract submission deadline: December 16, 2024


We invite you to submit your ideas for a panel presentation entitled, “Emerging Pathways in Science: Why Do This Research?”
This session will comprise three 10-minute presentations, followed by a 30-minute discussion.  It is designed to allow emerging researchers to speak about their individual pathways to acupuncture research, and what they see for the future, in particular:
  • Why are you passionate about engaging in acupuncture research?
  • What excites you about this educational and career path?
We particularly welcome voices that have been historically underrepresented in research publications, including racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.  
Emerging and aspiring researchers at all levels are encouraged to apply. Criteria for selection include: originality of vision in articulating what questions are important for acupuncture research going forward, as well as experience to date.
Submission Deadline:  December 16, 2024
Please use the following link to submit your panel presentation idea online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JrResearcherPanel
Submissions received after December 16, 2024 will not be considered. Details will be provided to those whose submissions are accepted.