2023 ConferenceSYMPOSIUM 4 (Saturday, 2:30pm - 4:00pm) Addressing Health Disparities: Acupuncture for Sickle Cell Disease Pain Presenters: Ying Wang, MS, MD, PhD; Kevin Liou, MD; and Judith Schlaeger, PhD, CM, LAc, FACNM, FAAN
Panelists: F. Afua Bromley, DACM, LAc, Dipl.Ac and Maria T. Chao, DrPH, MPA This panel will examine basic, translational, and clinical research on acupuncture for sickle cell disease (SCD) pain. As a complex pain condition that affects underserved populations, SCD pain provides a transdisciplinary model to investigate the role of acupuncture in addressing health disparities. Dr. Ying Wang will present her basic and translational research on functional and neurochemical brain mechanisms within SCD pain patients and how acupuncture acts on these same outcomes. Dr. Kevin Liou will present research on disparities and inequities in acupuncture use and access. Dr. Judith Schlaeger will present her NCCIH-funded hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of guided relaxation and acupuncture for SCD pain. F. Afua Bromley and Dr. Maria Chao will join for a panel discussion to provide additional insights to the practitioner and researcher perspectives. |