2023 ConferenceSYMPOSIUM 3 (Friday, 1:45pm - 3:15pm) Cycle of Oncology Clinical Research: From Efficacy Trials to Implementation Research Presenters: Ting Bao, PhD; Jun Mao, MD, MSCE; Suzie Zick, PhD; and Claudia Witt, MD, MBA
Panelists: Desiree Walker and Ana Maria Lopez, MPH, MD, MACP
This session will focus on specific types and stages of clinical research to increase the evidence base for oncology acupuncture. In addition to presenting new data, this symposium will provide a better understanding of the spectrum of study approaches and their methodological features (e.g. choice of controls, types of acupuncture interventions, phases of clinical trials, efficacy trials, pragmatic trials, and implementation science studies) and how they can inform each other. Each presentation will provide new study results and discuss specific methodological aspects. Dr. Ting Bao will focus on phase I, II, and III efficacy studies of acupuncture for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Dr. Jun Mao will present on comparative |